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From: Remi Lenoir 

As you know very well, the BridgeBoard emits some beeps when it encounters
problem during its boot. As far as I remember, I never saw a list of those
beep codes along with their meanings. Well, I was surfing the other day and
I finally found the Phoenix technology web page ( They have 
FAQ pages for their BIOS ( 

For those of you who do not have access to the WWW, I included a copy of the
table at the end of the post.

The codes corresponding to the failure are also sent to IO port 80h so,
if you have one of those ISA debug card with POST status display, you 
should be able to see what the BIOS is doing in real-time.

How BEEP codes work:

The codes sent by the BIOS are referred as "Multiple Beep Code - Group of 
Four Beeps" by Phoenix. The beep code will consist of three groups, with
from  one to four beeps per group. Groups are separated by a silence and 
beeps in a group are separated by a shorter silence.

Therefore the 1-1-3 notation means:

beep, silence, beep, silence, beep, short silence, beep, short silence, beep.

Is the table valid for the BB ?

I can say for sure that the A2386SX issues the 1-1-4 sequence when the
BIOS ROM checksum is incorrect (I got that when I was messing with the BIOS
without changing its checksum...). Plus looking at the disassembly of the
BIOS confirms that this very probably is the correct table.

Have fun,

 - Remi.

Note: I have no idea if this also applies to the A2286 as I don't have one.

Note2: As I just found out, this information, and much more, can also be 
       found in the book that Phoenix Technology wrote about BIOSes.

Phoenix Technical Reference Series
System BIOS for IBM PCs, Compatibles, and EISA computers
Second Edition
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
ISBN 0-201-57760-7

############### From ####################

Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS / PhoenixBIOS 1.xx POST/BEEP Codes

The Phoenix BIOS will issue an audible beep code in the event of a system
error encountered during the Power On Self Test (POST). A numeric value is
also sent to port 80h representing the current state of the POST. In the
event of a fatal system error during initialization, the code representing
the portion of the POST causing the failure will be the last value sent to
port 80h.

As any experienced technician knows, a failure at any given location does not
necessarily mean that the particular part or section under test has actually
failed. For example, any problem with the motherboard address lines or local
bus can cause the CMOS read/write test to fail, even though the CMOS RAM
itself may, in fact, work perfectly.

If you require further details or assistance in dealing with a fatal system
board error, please do not contact Micro Firmware. You need to seek the 
assistance of a qualified computer service technician in your area.

Port 80h  Beep  
 Value    Code   Error/Test Description
   01h    none   80286 register test in progress
   02h    1-1-3  CMOS write/read test in progress or failure
   03h    1-1-4  BIOS ROM checksum in progress or failure
   04h    1-2-1  Programmable Interval Timer test in progress or failure
   05h    1-2-2  DMA initialization in progress or failure
   06h    1-2-3  DMA page register write/read test in progress or fail
   08h    1-3-1  RAM refresh verification in progress or failure
   09h    none   1st 64K RAM test in progress
   0Ah    1-3-3  1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - multi-bit
   0Bh    1-3-4  1st 64K RAM odd/even logic failure
   0Ch    1-4-1  1st 64K RAM address line failure
   0Dh    1-4-2  1st 64K RAM parity test in progress or failure
   10h    2-1-1  1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - bit 0
   11h    2-1-2  1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - bit 1
   12h    2-1-3  1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - bit 2
   13h    2-1-4  1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - bit 3
   14h    2-2-1  1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - bit 4
   15h    2-2-2  1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - bit 5
   16h    2-2-3  1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - bit 6
   17h    2-2-4  1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - bit 7
   18h    2-3-1  1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - bit 8
   19h    2-3-2  1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - bit 9
   1Ah    2-3-3  1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - bit A
   1Bh    2-3-4  1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - bit B
   1Ch    2-4-1  1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - bit C
   1Dh    2-4-2  1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - bit D
   1Eh    2-4-3  1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - bit E
   1Fh    2-4-4  1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure - bit F
   20h    3-1-1  master DMA register test in progress or failure
   21h    3-1-2  slave DMA register test in progress or failure
   22h    3-1-3  master interrupt mask register test in progress or fail
   23h    3-1-4  slave interrupt mask register test in progress or fail
   25h    none   interrupt vector loading in progress
   27h    3-2-4  keyboard controller test in progress or failure
   28h    none   CMOS power-fail and checksum checks in progress
   29h    none   CMOS config info validation in progress
   2Bh    3-3-4  screen memory test in progress or failure
   2Ch    3-4-1  screen initialization in progress or failure
   2Dh    3-4-2  screen retrace tests in progress or failure
   2Eh    none   search for video ROM in progress
   30h    none   screen believed operable:
   30h    none   screen believed running w/ video ROM
   31h    none   monochromatic screen believed operable
   32h    none   40-column color screen believed operable
   33h    none   80-column color screen believed operable
   34h    4-2-1  timer tick interrupt test in progress or failure
   35h    4-2-2  shutdown test in progress or failure
   36h    4-2-3  gate A20 failure
   37h    4-2-4  unexpected interrupt in protected mode
   38h    4-3-1  RAM test in progress or failure above address 0FFFFh
   3Ah    4-3-3  Interval timer channel 2 test in progress or failure
   3Bh    4-3-4  Time-Of-Day clock test in progress or failure
   3Ch    4-4-1  Serial port test test in progress or failure
   3Dh    4-4-2  Parallel port test test in progress or failure
   3Eh    4-4-3  Math Coprocessor test in progress or failure

This POST/BEEP code list is applicable only to Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS or
PhoenixBIOS A286/A386/A486 Version 1.xx on an AT-class (80286 or higher)

Error codes in the 50h range or beyond are chip set or custom platform
specific, and will vary from system to system. Contact your system
manufacturer for details.

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